Sunday, March 7, 2010

random heres and theres

It's another beautiful day outside and I feel that it would really be a waste to not get outside a little bit, even if that's just some driving around.  I had plans to hit the gym, but I'm not feeling so good, so I'll start fresh tomorrow!

Here's what I've been up to:

These beautiful carnations are sitting on my dining table right now.  (excuse the wrinkled tablecloth, the cat jumped up and the whole thing shifted as  I was taking the photo!) I always feel bad cutting down long stems, but I LOVE the way their ruffled heads fill out the top of the vase!

Painting has been taking shape.  The lamp got another coat today, but I am thinking since it's quite detailed, I may have to resort to using a brush afterall, it's just not turning out quite right...

The bamboo stool got another coat of primer, until I ran out.  It is sure drinking the stuff up.  Off to buy some more cans!

This stool is still sitting in it's original state.  It needs some repairs:
The cane has come unravelled in this corner.
There's also a bamboo area that has broken and needs some gluing before I start!

I am also hoping that Cory can help me eleviate the above problem.  I am soooo sick of having one teeny tiny towel bar for both of us to store our bath towels on.  We use big bath sheets that are far too big on the rod, so they overlap and never fully dry.  YUCK!!

I hope these babies can help us out instead.

Anyhow, I am off to do some shopping.  Hope your weekend was lovely!

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