Sunday, May 30, 2010
Lighting Love Affair
Friday, May 28, 2010
Reward Yourself!
Did you know that some companies with Rewards Programs actually put expiry dates on them? Neither did I!
I immediately went online to see if I had enough points for anything and saw that I did. Needless to say, I didn't hesitate to redeem my points!
I also spent the rest of the evening going through my many Rewards Programs and redeeming wherever I could!
Fast forward to today, and here's a few of the goodies I have received so far:
Here's what's burning a hole in my wallet right now:
~ A $50 HBC Gift card from HBC obviously. Did you know they replaced their Rewards Catalogue with gift cards? I think that's a much better option!
~ A $120 gift card for Sears from my Sears Club points on my Mastercard
~ My credit card company's Choice Rewards rewards program had some of the best options, but as soon as I saw that HomeSense/Winners was on there, I snatched those up! I was a few points short of another $50. I am hoping that when I get my statement this month, I'll have enough to grab another card!
I'm excited to spend these babies on some stuff to spiffy up the house. Don't worry, I 'll share all about my rewards!
Cory and I are also no strangers for cashing in our Gas Station's reward points for free gas, car washes, washer fluid and snacks! As well our Airmiles often get us movie passes and restaurant gift certificates!
How about you? What have you scored for "FREE" lately? Ever taken a look at your rewards programs to see if your points expire?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Possible Entry Addition
Narrow enough to fit in the space comfortably? Check! It mounts to the wall, which helps save space.
Look like an actual piece of furniture? Check There are legs which make it look like a real table.
Provide storage? Check! Those 4 tilt out drawers are pretty room, and would definitely tackle the mounds of shoes in our entry. Not to mention mittens and even large purses... yes! I stuffed mine in at the store!
Have a wide enough top so that it would accomodate a nice vase and a bowl for keys, etc. ? Check! I already have an idea for a nice little vignette up there. That'll help fill out the space under the mirror nicely.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Good News and a little clean-up!
Friday, May 21, 2010
THE "Incident"
You see, it's been hot around here lately, and since we dropped the ball on central air while we were building and currently there are other projects taking priority (and funding) we've been dealing by opening the windows.
Unfortunately, last night it POURED! I mean, I knew it was raining. I knew the windows were open. I guess I just forgot how far they were open. And I wasn't taking into consideration the direction of the rain...
Whoops! Yeah, so when I finally felt the wind pick up, it was already too late! Both the guest room and office were SOAKED! And i'm by no means exagerating. As in, the whole duvet in the guest room was soaked, as were the wood blinds.
The office was even worse. Unfortunately, underneath the window is where our desk and all the electronics are. Yes, probably a bad idea in hindsight, but it's where it works best!
Thankfully, it appears the surge protector has a gfi and shut itself off, so we hope that it prevented everything from shorting out.... Hopefully.
Cory and I spent a good deal of time in there last night with stacks of towels, wiping down the desk and everything on it (it was a pile of mess). We're letting all the electronics completely dry out before we do any plugging back in. We also made sure to do our absolute best in drying off the wood blinds to prevent damage.
But, thankfully this weekend is a long one with few plans. So I have on day lined up to tackle and full purge, clean and re-organization of that room. Guess I needed a little kick in the butt from a rainstorm.
I am beyond thankful though that my brand new camera wasn't on the desk where I usually keep it.
So, in the event that I am incommunicado for the next few, have a great long weekend!
We have a ton of stuff to do at the house so I will make sure to share when I am back!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Fun (and Fruity) Find!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A Treasured Two-Tier Table
It's pretty simple, with just the tiniest touch of detailing on the legs:
I'm not actually sure what I want to do with it, or where it will end up. I'm just happy to know that it's mine!
But, about a month ago, when we decided not to go anywhere for the May long weekend, I made Cory promise to set up a little sanding station in the garage so I can start getting rid of some of this mess:
It's not huge, but there are two chairs, 3 tables, and 2 lamps just in here! Nevermind the other rooms in the house that are housing my finds!!
Any suggestions on what I should do to the table?
Paint it white? Stain it a dark walnut? Go nuts with a fun color?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
This Weekend's Garage Sale Finds
How'd you make out this weekend at the garage sales/thrift stores?
Monday, May 17, 2010
Front Porch Mini-Makeover
3. I had planned on picking up some square black pots to add some bright colored flowers in. Infact, I hadn't even started looking for pots yet, when I stumbled across these off-white woven beauties. They were actually a LOT more than I wanted to spend, but I knew they'd be perfect! Thankfully, I was right and they look great against the house! Even Cory said so, which means I hit the nail right on the head!
I still need to pick up at least one more pot, and some more of the rounded evergreens and actually pot eveything, but I like the look of the greenery here best.
4. Lastly, I was at Michael's trying to decide what sort of a wreath I wanted to do and had pretty much picked out a whole slew of things, when I decided that it would be silly of me to have REAL GREENERY on the porch and FAKE FLOWERS on a wreath. I decided a sign would be more fitting. I found this lovely buttefly plaque and loved it immediately!
Here's a little re-cap for you. This is what the porch looked like a few weeks ago:
And here it is now:
The best part? I set myself a cosmetic budget of $100.00. I am not counting the screen door since it was purchased for airflow purposes and DEFINITELY NOT for its looks!
Here is a little breakdown:
Chair: FREE from our backyard
Pots: $55 for both; HomeSense
Door Plaque: $17.00 (after 40% off coupon) Michaels
Plants: $25 for evergreens
(Hydrangea was bought previously and will be planted in the ground once we have a yard!)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Fantastic Find - Vintage Chair!
I'm excited to try my hand at tufting!
The caning is lovely and in good condition! Only question, is do you sand-down cane?
As far as her makeover goes, I'm not exactly sure which route to go.
Should I stain it a nice dark ebony or walnut? Or should I spray her white?
I have a few fabrics in mind, but I will be hitting up the fabric store in the next couple weeks to find something that really "speaks" to me.
Any thoughts? Tips?
Friday, May 14, 2010
Striking Out!

This chair, the cheapest of the bunch, was REALLY light colored, and was very rough and cheap feeling. No good.
The second ( a bit more expensive option) was a teeny bit darker, and felt just as yucky! They didn't even have the darker, bigger chair in stock, but I assume it was the same material :(
Pier 1's selection as really limited, and I was NOT about to spending $250 on a chair that was propbably going to get sat in a handful of times, and would be in the garage for most of the year.
So I headed over to Superstore, as I had seen a great little advertising feature in House and Home magazine last night, with some great outdoor living stuff. Yeah, no chairs, and none of the cute patio stuff I was jonesing for either....They did have faux woven one that seemed reasonable, so I am keeping it on my "just-in-case" list.
Okay, fine! Over to Home Outfitters - the only single chair they had for sale was a woven style as well. I don't hate it, but it was too expensive considering it was not my first choice!
A couple other local, independent stores only made me more upset... so looks like I have my work cut out for me tomorrow! I am hoping that HomeSense will be my savior!
Have a great night!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
No worries, i'm called as a witness, but the whole thing is pretty long and exhausting. I've been waiting by myself outside the court room for an hour and a half.
I do have a bunch of things slated for the weekend though:
~ a new wreath project ~ a mini front porch makeover
~ some garage sales and thrift stores to hit up
~ and possibly a project with plants?
Thanks for sticking with me!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Porch Perches

This one is from Canadian Tire and most represents what I envisioned when I started thinking about this. But, it is at the higher end of my budget. However, unlike the Ikea versions, it is actually made for outdoor use...
Lastly, this option is what I would choose if I had a bit more money. It's pretty sharp looking! Another Canadian Tire piece, the grey is lovely, but I dunno if it would work with the browns outside. Also, probably too fancy anyhow!
For cushions, I have yet to see one that screams out "I'm the one!" to me, but these are all pretty:
From Pier 1, the perfect simple, blue cushion!
For something a little softer, there's this lovely green and white paisley floral option:
Canadian Tire also has this preppy stripe that reverses to a kicky floral! Might be a bit much, but hey, I'm looking to add some life to the step, so I'll definitely be taking a peek!
Wish me luck this weekend!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Lighting Possibility!

The perfect mix of casual and elegant, this was my favorite lighting find of the day! It's just one of the lovely fixtures available at CSN Stores .
While we have a little while before we tackle the dining room makeover, I'm definitely looking forward to adding a little sparkle to the space!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Hurricane Madness
I may actually be the ONLY blogger who didn't already have a nice collection of hurricane vases to use in decoration. Well, as of this week, that has changed! I found a listing online from a couple who was selling the centerpieces from their wedding reception!
So for $5.00 a piece (I thought that was great, since they start around $25 at Walmart of Micheal's), I snagged 4. I would have liked to have gotten more, but I am running out of decor storage space...
These babies were found via Kijij who has fast become my best friend ever!
They are currently just sitting, waiting for inspiration to strike me, but I am anxious to get them styled up and shared with you!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Spring Cleaning: Hall Closet
That top shelf was the absolute worst. I couldn't find anything in the bins and the re-usable shopping bags fell daily and hit me in the head!
First, I emptied EVERYTHING out!
I cleaned up all the organizers and then put them back into place. (Using all white, is a huge help cause it looks clean and keeps everything fresh looking)
Cory and I share this closet half and half. We each get a bin for accessories like hats, gloves, etc. Equal hanging space that I keep to 6 jackets at a time, and three shoe racks each. Our off season jackets and some shoes are stored in the guest room. Everything else ( my other shoes) are in our master closet.
The first things I put back were the bins. I sorted, paired gloves and decided that my hats needed their own bin. I shopped the house and scored this blue Ikea bin for free (it was being underused storing cat toys!)
Next up was the shoe racks. There were a ton of dirty shoes, which I took outside to clean off. Then I took out all snow boots and winter footwear. Everything was then put back into place. Top rack holds flip flops and flat shoes, then dress shoes, the casual shoes. My boots and new shoes went on the floor.
Lastly, winter jackets were switched out with rain coats and spring fleeces. I only allow 6 jackets each in the closet at a time.
The only other new thing I added was a small woven basket from Dollarama, that was originally in the office, to corral all the shopping bags neatly. There was a perfect spot on the floor for it!
Here's the final finished space: I am pleased, it's still super functional, but orderly.
What have you done for Spring Cleaning so far?