Monday, August 31, 2009
Love Handmade - Scoop on a Giveaway
mini break

I didn't get anything done this weekend. Not one thing. But I did do some relaxing. I got a last minute invite to hit up a friend's "cabin" for the weekend. Despite the fact that Cory wouldn't be able to make it, I decided to tag along.
So, you can imagine my surprise when we got there, and I was welcomed into a home that was bigger than my dad's house... on the lake.... with a very large yard!
Yes, this isn't so much a cabin, as it is a "lake house". It was beautiful!!
I've yet to get our pics downloaded, but here are a few that I took on my cell phone:

So, in addition to laying around on an airmattress, and lounging in my lawn chair, I can say there were no bright ideas had, no projects started or finished, and certainly no cleaning! It was a nice little break.
In fact, the only thought I think I had the whole time, was how badly I wanted a place like it, of my very own!! I even had cory come out late yesterday, so that he could see for himself what I was seeing! Needless to say, you can bet, we're gonna be looking at property for next summmer lol!
We also had Jarrett & Ashley over for dinner last night afterwards, and got them introduced to Hung & True Blood so I think we might have turned them into fans!
Today: started out not so good! I got in my car, and headed to work, only to turn around immediately, when my car let me know that my tire was flat! Not low, but FLAT!! Luckily, Cory was off, so I stole his car, and he's going to get mine fixed for me!
I've cancelled my training session tonight, and decided to cancel them indefinitely, until I can get something done about my bum knees! I'm ok with that though since I still have to finish 2 weeks worth of laundry, finish the closet project, download the weekend's pics, figure stuff out for the surprise party I am planning, learn to use Photoshop Elements , make some greeting cards, decide if I want to take a job opportunity, set-up an activity for this weekend's get-together with Rebecca, plan a dinner date, buy a bday gift, and work on 2 very special cards!
I'm sure there's more.. but that's all I can think of!
It's another beautiful day out, and I'm relishing them, cause they'll be few and far between soon enough!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
a little good, and a little bad!
Next stop was home depot. I returned my item and picked up what I needed and stuff I needed, but hadn't thought of. Good. I then stopped at walmart for " just the essential groceries" I left 104 dollars later. Good and bad.
By then it was getting late, and then I missed my turn and had to take a new road. Bad. I then missed my turn again and ended up in the next town. More bad! Finally, I got home and it was late and there was not any point in starting the clost project! Bad.
I Got some stain chips last night, so we are working on choosing colors for upcoming projects!
So, despite my good intentions, the universe is out to foil my plans.
I've also made the decision to go back to working part-time for a little while, in addition to my regular job. We just really want to get ahead finally, and start working towards saving for the basement and landscaping projects slated for next year.
Good and bad.
It was a difficult decision to make, but it is necessary, and doesn't have to be forever. Now, the only problem is finding something. I'm over qualified for everything, but it'll be a matter of working around my schedule and finding something I like.
Despite the money, I am opting against waitressing. I did that for far too long. I just want something, quiet, like a cashier or evening reception deal. If you know of anything, please let me know!
In other news, it's the weekend. I still don't know if I will be heading out to the lake or staying home, but either way, I will have lots of pics
Over the weekend.
Have a great one!
7 years ago, my mom had a heart attack. Well, technically, what she had was angina, but regardless, it was pretty serious.
I was not home at the time, but apparently she wasn't feeling well and went to lay down. She knew something was wrong and told my dad to call an ambulance. When the paramedics arrived, they didn't think it was serious and told her she was having a panic attack from stress. They didn't want to waste their time taking her to the hospital.
Being the type of person who never complains nor feels sick, mom knew something was definetly wrong. She had my dad convince the guys to take her in, and boy was she lucky she did- she coded twice in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.
She ended up having surgery to have a stunt put in, to keep her passage ways open, and the recovery was slow, but mom pushed it, and went on to resume her life as she had.
Two weeks ago, while visiting, I noticed mom was a lot more tired than she had been. She also needed to take a lot more breaks and use her nitrogen. When I asked her about it, she said she had been having issues lately. I convinced her to see her doctor when she got back.
When I spoke to her on Sunday, she let me know her doctor is concerned she has angina again. She has a referral for a specialist here in the city, but no idea when that is. I am really worried that she will have to have another surgery and terrified for her.
She has decided that it is time to Make some changes, and her doc has put her on medicine to help her quit smoking. When we spoke last, she was down from 2 packs a day, to just 3 a day! She is very proud of herself and anticipates that she will be down to 0 when she visits us next for her doctors appointment!
At 57 years old, my mom is making a difference that could very well save her life. I know it can't be easy for her, and I'm very supportive and have the highest hope for her!
This is a far departure from my usual posts, I know. But I needed to post this for myself, as well as to put the awareness out there that smoking will get you in many more ways than just cancer.
My mom is 57, and I worry that she won't get to see me marry, or have children. I worry constantly that she'll be alone when something happens, and that terrifies me.
So please, please, please... The next time you think about having a smoke, think about my story! Smoking really could kill you!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
household shopping list
~brackets for closet organizer
~rest of blinds for house (1 master bed; 1 master closet; 2 french doors basement; patio door dining)
~stool/cube/bench for front entrance
~stain for coffee table project
~rubber stopper for laundry tub(ours doesn't fit)
I actually think I can get some of these projects completed/ started within the next 2 weeks! I know, I know! Most people would accomplish more than that, but it's tough getting Cory to actually help with a lot of these projects and I have a strange aversion to touching most wood products (seriously) it's often hard for me to complete projects involving furniture or the like, without assistance.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
in my dreams!
Such was the case yesterday afternoon, when I came across a magazine article that made me do a double take!

At first glance, it appeared I was looking at another impractical lighting solution in a kitchen. Albeit, one of the most beautiful pendants I'd seen in a while. Although, after further examination, and a read of the article, I realized this was not any ordinary light fixture!
In addition to obviously shedding light, this beauty is a range hood! Yup! You heard me right!
The Star from Elica looks like a crystal pendant light, but works really hard too!

It's got a remote so you can control it from across the room, if you're so lucky to have a kitchen this large!

I told Cory that in our next house we have to build a gigantic island and put our stovetop there, just so we can get this beauty!
Although, I doubt it's in our price range!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Well, to paraphrase, we had 4 little home projects planned for the past weekend! Yay right? Unfortunately not! Something thru a loop in all of them!
Firstly, we didn't find any fabric we loved for the headboard we're going to the search is still on for that!
Then, stupid sears cut my last set of blinds wrong, so no install for me!
Then, we went out and bought some stuff to finish our master closet organization. But we forgot to get something... So it's sitting in wait! Thankfully, we are heading out tonight to get the one bracket we still need!
Oh, and while we were out on Sunday, we also picked up a new tool for Cory - a sanding attachment for his drill! So hopefully we can get the ball rolling on a big transformation for the living room!
On a side note, we had some friends over on Saturday. It was the first time people had been over since the mantel was installed and they commented on how expensive an upgrade that it must have been... They figured like $3500 or something!!
They were besides themselves when I told them it was a custom job by my mom!they couldn't get over how amazing it was! My mom was pretty proud!
Today: in addition to getting the last little bits of supplies for the closet project, I am also working on a couple surprises for Cory's very quickly approaching bday!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
blinded by the choices

However, we've come to realize that the dinner time sun makes it impossible to avoid any further. That, and the fact that I am pretty sure the sun is bleaching my cabinets!
Originally, when I had a company come out to do the blind measurements, I fell in love with the idea of a panel track. I also went gaga for this sheer floral fabric! It would have been perfect. Thank goodness it was pretty expensive - $800. So I opted out! I'm thankfull, cause in hindsight,it would have been to sheer!
I like the idea of it though, so I've been seriously contemplating ordering this one! Two issues with that though- one it's from sears who I said I'd never buy from again. Plus since it is a catalogue item, I'd be buying sight unseen. And I don't know if I wanna take a chance with that, since the color is "mushroom"...

Plus, would drapes really be the right look?
Any tips? My space is a mix of contemporary, with some eclectic and tradional thrown in!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Lantern Love
Initially, Cory wanted to use it as a drop point and move the large silver bowl we use to corral all our keys, wallets, etc. Into. It was a good spot for it, but we all know how cluttered and messy these spots can get. I didn't want the first thing you are when you came into the house, to be a mess, so I quickly veto'd that idea!
My first thought was to get a gigantic vase and some large arrangement, like faux bamboo. But when I couldn't find the right vase, I came up with another BRIGHT IDEA!
A lantern was the perfect idea for this space! Not to mention it was end of season and they were clearing them out everywhere!
A trip to my local HomeSense yielded the perfect find. This silver beauty found me in the clearance aisle, as she was missing a pane of glass. Thankfully, it was the one right at the back, and for what I needed, you wouldn't even be able to tell! So I snatched it up!
(if I ever want to move or hang the lantern, I can always get a small piece of glas cut!)
However, my search didn't end there! I needed something to brighten up the lantern... Either in the form of an accent color or literally!
I went with BOTH!
A quick stop over at Michael's produced these pretty pillar candles in the perfect ocean mist color to work with the walls! Not only are they the best color, but they smell great and they help to light up the entry nook and Lead the way to the washroom!
Since I didn't want to spill wax everywhere, I got a candle holder in clear glass to keep drips at bay!
I think it looks great! Best part? It was under $40!
The breakdown:
Lantern $30
Candle $2.99 (actually free with a giftcard)
Candle holder (the clear glass candle plate I already had!)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Latest Love
So I am really loving the fact that the cloth picks up hair and traps it, and all bigger pieces get sucked up!!!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
These photos are from Move-In Day... I've taken photos of the finished living room since then... but they must be on the missing memory card!
Anyhow, here's how it looks AFTER:
I think it really finishes off the room and makes the fireplace look 100% better!! Before, it really lacked something!! I think it is perfect! The mantel isn't quite dressed yet... as I'm limited on space with the tv being right there.... But it works for now!
Also, notice that coffee table? How could you not, since the orangey-wood makes it stick out like a sore thumb?? Keep your eyes peeled, as it will be featured soon in an UPCOMING POST!!
What do you think? Any tips, tricks or suggestions for finishing this room?
I'll have more posts from different angles over the weekend!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
forces beyond my control
But mom said she screwed something up and something needed another day to cure before it could be worked on...
So it was completely outta my control! Since I am just the designer on this one, I've just gotta sit back and let someone else take the reins and that bothers me to no end. But I am being as patient as I possibly can!
Fingers crossed that it happens tonight!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
pleased as punch!
She finally got it finished and it looks amazing! Only thing is there Is a little structural issue we are working on to be able to finish it's install!
We should be rolling tonight though as I just here some supplies were already picked up!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Powder Room
Next to the vanity, there is a strange little nook opening, under the counter... I'm not sure what the purpose is,and I am still trying to decide what to put there. I think a wastebasket would un-pretty it! I'm thinking of a leather basket filled with fluffy ocean-colored towels!!
You can kinda see the art here. There's a big black and white Paris print in a silver framed behind the toilet and then to the side, there are two very small paintings I bought in Paris, in small blue frames. I love them all, but don't think they are working in here...
Thoughts? I think I need a larger, more graphic piece! Any suggestions?
Thursday, August 6, 2009
bump in the road
So, I'll sneak it in tonight before we head to a movie!
It's one of the most often used rooms so I'm eager to get it completely finished!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I'll have photos and more related posts tonight! But since my phone now works with this thing, I figured I'd drop a line and explain my absence!
What's on board for the rest of this short week?
A tour of our powder room! Window treatment installation! My new favorite cleaning tool! Shopping for central vacs!
Also, here's a sneak peek at what I have planned for August:
Adding more storage (a once a week special, stemming from our personal requirements!)
Shopping for garage door openers! The right ladders for your home! DIY upholstered headboard ideas! Garage organization and tons tons more!
I'll have photos and more related posts tonight! But since my phone now works with this thing, I figured I'd drop a line and explain my absence!
What's on board for the rest of this short week?
A tour of our powder room! Window treatment installation! My new favorite cleaning tool! Shopping for central vacs!
Also, here's a sneak peek at what I have planned for August:
Adding more storage (a once a week special, stemming from our personal requirements!)
Shopping for garage door openers! The right ladders for your home! DIY upholstered headboard ideas! Garage organization and tons tons more!