Saturday, February 21, 2009

Counter Options

Since I have to run in next week on my lunch and choose new countertops to replace the DISCONTINUED selection I made.... I called the builder to find the manufacturer so I could peruse and see if I could find some good stuff online. The Manufacturer creates for like 6 different companies, so I have a lot of choices, provided they have they when I go in. Here are ones I like:


This very lightly grey-veined white Is Hiverna

Gaspe Grey Granite is pretty but might be too goldy.

Apalachian Stone doesn't seem to have enough white...


Flint Crystal is a nice mix of white and blacky tones.

White Brecia Marble might be too marble-looking, and fake...

The only dark one in the bunch, Perlato Granite has a nice look about it.

Pebble Envision is one of my favorites, as it's light, got a bit of sparkel, but not too stark!

If we can upgrade to a solid-surfacing, Biscuit Spex caught my eye!


Grey Fiesta has a nice amount of white, with plenty of darker bits for contrast with the floors and cabinets!

A less busy version of what we originally selected Rock the Boat is a strong contender.

Stuck on options? this great tool helps you coordinate your cabinet color, appliance color and even helps you choose by Color Family. It selected Crystal Topaz from the Wilsonart line, based on my selections (see below!)

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