Sending warm wishes to their little family, holding up court in the hospital!

Besides, even if there had, I was too busy taking photos of my new nephew! Yup, we got the call Saturday evening and spent a good portion of the weekend at the hospital. It's safe to say that I'm pretty smitten with him.
Presenting Phoenix Cole. Weighing 7 lbs 11 oz.
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Dear Baby T,
I spoke to your mom and dad on the phone yesterday and they are issuing your eviction notice. They have however created a lovely little jungle themed space for you to nap/play/learn in instead. We think you would like it much better and I want to meet you and make you the best dressed little dude out there. Can't wait to meet you!
Love Auntie Cindy!
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We'll be operating on his schedule so I know work will always get in the way, but I'm excited nonetheless.
The first thing to get done? The framing of the wall between the basement washroom and the laundry room. The builder never did it before we moved in and I noticed it on some blueprints so I had them out to fix it. It looks so much different down there now! This is just a quick photo taken on my phone, so I will share real shots when things get going down there.
What have YOU started on lately?
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I have three gfs who I haven't seen in what seems like ages, nor have I really spoken to them in almost as long. One is a single gal who lives downtown and travels a lot, so we see each other when we can.
The second is a gal who is married and the mother of two who moved out of the city... We do the best, considering...
The other is a gf I've known forever. We were besties for a while and then she started dating a guy I didn't care for. She also sort of adopted his sister in law as a new gal pal and I kind of dropped from the equation. It was no one's fault but neither of us really made the effort to spend much time together or contact the other.
The last I saw her, they were gonna try and have a baby. Then shortly after, I heard they were successful. I sent my well wishes and that was that... Until today!
I had to log onto my fb at work and noticed her odd status. At 5 months pregnant, they lost the baby. I'm not sure yet what happened, but I am devastated for her.
What sort of crap friend just drops off the face of the earth only to re-appear when it's needed? Mind you, I guess that does symblize a good friend...
Anyway, I decided today to re-connect with these three girls and anyone else I've fallen out of touch with.
This all made me realize that life is too short and precious not to spend it with those you love. While we all may be at different stages in our life, these girls all mean a ton to me.
So my goal for the week is to connect with these three and make a genuine effort to get caught up and active in one another's lives! Cause we all need a shoulder to lean on once in a while!
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She's doing a bit better now and while we still don't know what's wrong, so we're hoping for the best.
In better news, my first nephew is due on Saturday so I am anxiously awaiting his arrival.
This morning, we had someone over to examine and possibly frame out the half wall in the basement that was never done before we moved in. Upon further inspection it looks as though they may have to rip everything out of our laundry area and re-plumb the whole space. Though inconvenient, I am actually hoping this is the case. It will mean more space in the washroom next to it, and will eliminate a lot of the awkward plumbed lines that we weren't sure how to accomodate and work around... Fingers crossed.
Oh, and in addition to the new furniture we'll get for the basement when it's finally finished, our living room set will be replaced as well. It has been bumped up on the list due to it's awfulness.
So, I have started my search for a new set. Here's just one of the beauties that caught my eye (and my butt's comfort) this weekend!
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