Friday, September 25, 2009
busy bee!
Quick post
Unfortunately, I can't do much posting at work... nor do I have photos here - so I will post when I am home this evening.
I've also got a fun couple outtings planned for this check back!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
1 + 1 = 2 years of love!!
It might take a little lot longer than I expected... (blame work for that...), but it's a wonderful work in progress, and we're doing it together!!

Another bathroom post....
I figured since I had shared my powder room and the master bath with you so far, might as well show you the 3rd bathroom in our house ( a 4th to come next year, when we finish the basement). We also have a "Main Bath" at the top of the stairs, which mostly functions as the bathroom for the guest room.
I guess since they're small, they are often the first rooms finished in a house. Also, since we're on a tight budget, I didn't buy one new thing for this one, just used what we already had!!
Here's a peek:
It's interesting to see how different items in a room, can greatly effect the way the paint looks. The wall color here, is the same as throughout our house: Antique Sterling by ICI paints. It looks a lot less blue here, than it does in most of the other rooms!
I love the countertop in this bathroom. It looks so warm, and chic! The towel is a cream version of the chocolate bath towels and all the sink in here always SPARKLES!!
Since the bathroom is small, I keep tchotckes to a minimum, in here's it's just a simple gold tealight lantern ( perfect for adding a little ambiance at parties), and an Essenza reed oil diffuser! We have quite a few of these around the house, and this scent is so rich and warm - perfect for the space!
Last but not least, a detail shot of the beautiful kleenex box in here! No, i don't buy individual kleenex boxes for the room, I buy a multi-pack (cause I'm cheap), but I always try and pick ones from the pack that fit best in each room. This room was some much more warm and masculine compared to the house, but thankfully this box was the perfect touch!! It's hard to tell but it's all leaves, and rocks! In fact, it's so perfect, when it's empty, I'm gonna stuff a new box inside it!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
keeping it real
Yay! That would be ME! It felt nice to get back to creating. But a little weird because the substrate is a newer one for me, and I'm trying desperately to be good with it! YARN!
While putting something away in the gift closet, I spied a ball of yarn in the most amazing color combo, and suddenly decided that I had to re-learn to knit immediately!
I grabbed the knitting needles I bought last week (best spur of the moment purchase ever) and grabbed my books.
I've decided to go with a really simple long, chunky scarf. I went with a simple knit stitch as the yarn is kinda crazy, and a texture would really just get lost.
I'm a slow knitter, so this might take a while but I am determined to finish this one. Mostly, because I saw the most amazing purple yarn at walmart last time that would look gorgeous, but I refuse to buy it until I am finished with all the yarn I have now!
I didn't get a pic of my scarf so far, as I got engrossed in watching TV as I knit. But I will snatch one tonight for you.
What else? I may have some people coming by to purchase some of my old stamp arts tonight. I have the supplies and another neat little project waiting to get started this week as well (possibly inspired by Elise Blaha... We'll see how it turns out before I mention that though )
I also have a craft date this weekend to prepare for. As a volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters, I am a mentor for a 14 year old girl, Rebecca. We try and meet every Sunday and do something new.
This weekend, we're slated to make some birthday cards, as she has a few birthday parties to attend. So I'll be busy this week, designing projects suitable for teens!
I've also started my get healthy, get fit plan and am eating healthier, eating less and being more active! Hopefully, I can keep that ball rolling.
Today: I have to hit the bank, get some gas, organize the stamp sets going out to new homes and find something fancy to wear for a very special dinner tomorrow night!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Inspiration : Craft Closet
My lovely evening out...or "why I didn't get my fall bulbs planted or laundry done..."

So, please blogland, accept this as my excuse as to why I didn't get the laundry done, the kitchen cleaned, or my fall bulbs planted.....
I was busy spending the evening listen to this beautiful man sing..... *sigh**
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Ensuite Bathroom
This photo most accurately displays the wall color, and the color of the vanity, which is the same throughout our house.
Why am I showing this weird shot? One, to point out the over-the-door hooks (Umbra) that we use to store our bathrobes on. Two, to show you the door profile we chose in the house ( we get a lot of comments on it!!)
The lighting isn't AWFUL.... but it is builder spec... However since we won't be here forever, I wasn't too interested in spending a fortune for something I LOVED!
Lastly, a nice little detail shot of a little basket that holds facecloths (usually it's nice and neat, but there are some cloths missing... )
So, that's it? That's where I get ready in the morning!! It's a bright little room that is fresh, clean and cheerful!! It's by no means that spa bathroom of my dreams.... but it's an ensuite, and it gets the job done.
Any thoughts, questions, ideas or suggestions for me??? Please, I'd like to hear from you!
Especially, if you have an idea of what I should do with the wall above the toilet!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Cleaning House The Office
While I'm on the topic of making room, I might as well mention that Kal over at Love Life is also having an online garage sale, so if you're looking for some great art, head on over there, while it's cheap, cheap, cheap.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
carpet conundrum or ketchup chips and beer
So yeah, the party went off without a hitch! Yay!
However, just after we escorted the last person out the door and had started to put things away, my brother called me to come upstairs (he had a bit to drink, so I offered up the guest room and he graciously accepted).
Right away, I knew something bad had happened. When I got upstairs, my fear was validated!
Martin had been sleeping, and felt the urge to purge. Not familiar with the space, we couldn't find the garbage can, so he made a run for it.... Unfortunately, standing up made it worse and he threw up right there on the floor. Then again in the hall to the washroom! Then again in the washroom!
I'll spare you the photos, but I'd like you to picture something: his stomach contents included lots of beer and a bag of ketchup chips! Yeah that's right- what you are envisioning is foamy bright pink stains on my cream berber!
I was not impressed! But, you can't really be mad at someone for being sick... So I grabbed dark towels and emptied a bottle of carpet cleaner.
Unfortunately, it was almost 3am, so I let it be for the night.
The next day I headed over to dad's and borrowed his carpet cleaner. I was pretty happy with it, when it was all said and done. It took 4 water refills and I was pretty air I'd gotten it all out.
When I checked a day later, I realized I had not! So I ran another 2 water loads over the stains.
I am going to check them tonight and hopefully the stains are gone. But, I am taking solace in the fact that as long as the dirty water is still coming out a bit pink, there's still hope of getting it out for good!
If after the weekend, it's still bad, I'll get a professional in to do it!
Anyone else have horror stories involving stains? Please share! Anyone have a secret tip or trick for stains, let me know!
(no longer) blinded by the sun
Unfortunately, not only was the price tag a LOT higher than I wanted to spend... but we soon realized that we needed something a lot less sheer.
At the peak dinner hours, we couldn't even sit at the dining table, and working in the kitchen was incredibly hard.

My next thought was to go with draperies, at least for the meantime, but I couldn't find anything I loved enough, that was black-out lined. Plus, I wasn't sure if the look would be a little too formal or not.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'm not a HUGE country fan, but I like it. And I most certainly like Keith Urban, so I'm beyond excited for this!
A girl here at work got tickets from one of our trades. Initially, it was suppossed to be 2 tix and I'd fill in if her bf couldn't go. But then, she found out it was 4! So I am pretty sure she's gonna share with me. Almost completely sure...p hoping and praying!
I haven't been to a concert since early 2000! And I don't even remember who I saw!
Oh and I think I forgot to mention, they're centre ice...skybox tickets! We wouldn't have to worry about refreshments and snacks. Plus, I wouldn't have to worry about not being able to see... Or hear... Or have to sit next to smelly people!
Fingers crossed for me!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
weekend warrior
Cory has been working very long hours lately, so he hasn't been able to get started on the coffee table project. :( My mom was also in town Wednesday, so that took up an evening for me. We found out that Cory got hired part-time at Rona , so he will be starting that this weekend as well!! Then, he had to help out a buddy who he owes some serious favors to ( Thanks Ryan!) with his landscaping for his new house.....
So, instead of moping about what I wasn't getting done, I decided to GET stuff done instead! I cleaned the house last weekend. Pretty thoroughly actually, organizing and cleaning out individual drawers and closets etc. I even got together another little pile of stuff to give away.
Plus, I have decided to stop holding on to things I'm not actually using. I can be an impulse buyer, and often have things sitting around the never get used/worn and often sit for
I guess taking a week off was good, cause now I have a whole list of stuff to try and tackle this weekend:
1. I am hoping to take some time this weekend and take photos, and create listings for a bunch of stuff that can hopefully clear room in the house, and fatten up my bank account :)
2. In a glimmer of a creative spark, during a shopping trip with my mom, I remembered I wanted to pick up new (fatter) knitting needles, to hopefully help me out with the re-learning.... I have yet to try them, but with the cool fall weather, I am eager to get at least 1 scarf done before I throw in the towel!
3. I started downloading all the photos I've taken since I got a digital camera way back!! (No, I have not printed photos since then... except a couple crappy home prints for crappy projects). However, I am interrupted by cory so I need to finish downlaoding and deciding which to print. I'd like to work on a collection/book for our anniversary at the end of the month, but I think I might be too time-constricted!
4. I took a little look at my greeting card inventory (finally) and really have to start stocking back up! I'm still torn as to whether or not to start selling them again, as I find I lose interest when it is for business rather than pleasure.. we'll see!
5. I'm throwing Cory a surprise birthday party tomorrow night!! He has no idea, and since his birthday was last weekend, and everyone was out of town for the long weekend, and he had to work.... I really think he will be sooo shocked!! HAHA Got you babe!
6. I have a slew of home decor ideas brewing in my head, that I probably should get out a pen and paper and make a list, and re-itemize them. It might be a while before he gets started on some (with the 2nd job and all) and I'd still like to complete some things!!
7. I have three bags full of fall bulbs to get planted while the weather is still nice. Unfortunately, our landscaping (the front) was not completed by the builder yet, so I am afraid they'll be starting their lives in pots this year, and possibly will be transplanted once we have garden beds to move them to! (pretty pics to come)
8. I would like to hit up a flea market or antique mall, as I have been seeing a ton of great re-worked pieces on other blogs lately, and am feeling inspired! I really have no space for any new furniture right now, but it would still be fun to browse around and see what possibilities I would have.....
9. I stopped at the library last night ( but didn't go to the good one, so need to make another stop tonight ) I hope to start up the book review I had on my last blog, and share with you, some new reads!!
** There's a lot of ideas and brainstorming happening in my head right now, and Cory's busy, so I promise to get back on at home and update, and load pics and all that jazz. I might even have multiple posts each day... you never kow ;)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Anthro... really?

One thing I did find and fell for, was this "C" monogram on a stand. As we both have the same first initial, I think it would be pretty cute to toss our monogram around this place. Anyhow, for the meantime, it's on my Birthday wishlist.
I think it's urban, and country enough to work for both of us, and it would look super great on the mantel!! I'm sending a link your way, Cory!
Next Project - A preview

Stay tuned for progress on this project!