So for many, many months I've oohed and aah'd as I watched everyone jump on the white ceramic animal band-wagon. In particular, I've been keen on little birdies! However, with the purchase of the new home, and with my 2 month unemployment a few months back, we were focusing more on saving money than spending it!
But since we move into our new casa in a week, (Insert crazy smile and a squeal only small animals can hear), we headed out to some stores today to see what we can snag for the house with some of the gift cards I've been hanging onto for months now!!!
I had a Michael's gift card that I was intending on using to buy a nice vase and perhaps some bamboo sticks, or feathers or some sort of bloom for the pretty art shelf in our front entrance.
Unfortunately, there was nothing I loved....fortunately, that caused me to take a 2nd look, which resulted in my finding this little cutie, hiding, barely visible on the bottom shelf of an end cap:

At only $8.99, I couldn't resist snagging him up!! Unfortunately, he's going right back into his tissue paper and is already snagging a (temporary) home in a box full of dishes. But I can not wait to find him the perfect new home in our new nest!
I'm also pretty sure he's the first of many other white ceramic companions that will find their way into our casa.
Anyhow, hope you're as excited as me, to see where this little guy ends up!!