Monday, April 27, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Tales from a Weekend Warrior Lazy person
I'm also still plugging madly away, sending off more resumes than you could imagine, in hopes of getting hired.
We're lazing about today, since we're both home, but being budget concious. Just thought I would say HI! before we head off to:
~ make some money **
~ bank some money
~ take proper pictures of the new house ( provided it's unlocked! )
** I'll fill you in later today, with the details on this, and some pictures!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
We'll see how it goes when she gets back to me with a schedule and here's hoping that the interview today goes well.. and maybe I won't even need to take the restaurant job!
It's technically 2:30am as I write this... and there is a crazy windstorm outside right now..... I'm actually a little concerned and just waiting for the rain.
However, I have some investgating and possibly a project this afternoon involving a kitten, bi-fold doors, and our basement closet/crawl-space storage room.
Have a good one!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Exploring my Options - to Paint or Stain?
Monday, April 20, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Progress Thus Far!

Here's a view of the whole thing.
This is just inside, that's looking back towards the front door. The door visible here goes to the garage.
This photo is taken from the same place as the last but it is looking the other way into the house. That would be a view of the dining room and part of kitchen.
This is looking down into the basement. They are digging to put in foam on exterior walls. Yup, those pretty french doors and big picture window go right out onto our yard. Love the walk-out basement. Best $$$ spent.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lovely Finds of the Week

Sunday, April 12, 2009
First 100% Completed Project

The flash here kinda washed out the stain and made it look all streaky but it looks fine in person. The only thing I hate is the weird light wood thing holding the bottom pane of glass in... it ruins everything and makes it look unfinished.
The brushed knobs were the perfect addition and really finish the piece. They were only a couple dollars each at Home Depot.
I haven't properly dressed the piece, since right now, it's mostly just serving a purpose, but I think it looks ok for now. We haven't decided where it will go in the new house yet, since we may not need a sideboard with the new built-in....but it will get used one way or another.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Spring Cleaning

Anyhow, one thing we did get to do this week, was that my mom and I got to walk thru the new house yesterday!! Yeah, it's coming along that quickly! All the framing is done, there are doors, windows and a roof. The plumber was there yesterday, and they were digging holes for the pilings for our deck!!! Very cool. I promise to bring my camera next time we visit! You have to remember, I get excited and forget!
Anyhow, there have been a couple new things going on - a project that was finally 100% completed! A new acquistion - fantastic pieces for an even more fantastic price! Some ambition to finish some projects started last year.... ( yes I bow my head in shame). Plus, some materials purchased for brand new projects!!
Also, I have a strange feeling I've got a gift instore!! When mom was here yesterday she mentioned she wanted to see this dream patio set I was talking about. She liked it very much, agreed it was definetly "me", and even ripped a copy of the detail sheet and folded it up, and put it in her very own pocket!!! MAYBE A HOUSE WARMING GIFT FOR US???!!!
Regardless, what this week as I tackle some stuff, and get ready for this new house!!!!!