Well, in an effort to do some Spring cleaning around here, an attempt to clean-up my sewing area resulted in a lovely little spur-of-the-moment project! A lovely little throw cushion for our sofa!!!
Last summer, I bought this beautiful embroidered fabric (which I hope to find yards and yards of again, when we move to make living room drapes) for a canvas, and I had a few scrap pieces left over. Low and behold, I also came across an old striped throw cushion that was no longer my style! BINGO!! I had exactly the right amount of fabric to make a cover.

While I intend to put a zipper on it eventually, for the meantime, it's crappily hand-sewn closed.
Here's how:
1. Measure your fabric to fit your pillow. ( I did not do this, I eye-balled it... it is sheer luck that it fit!) Fold in half, with good sides together. Pin edges together around 3 of 4 sides.

2. Sew 3 sides together.

3. Where the corners meet, use your scissors to cut at a diagonal. Be very careful not to cut your stitches. This will make for a cleaner looking corner when you turn it right-side out!

4. Pop your pillow in to make sure it fits. Use a white pencil to mark where to sew up the 4th side. Pin your marking.

5. Sew as much of the 4th side that you can, while still leaving enough space to be able to squeeze your pillow insert inside.
6. Turn cover right-side out. Use your fingers to "pop-out" the corners.
7. Squeeze cushion inside cover.

8. Hand-sew the remainder of the opening closed.

9. Toss on your couch. Put your feet up, and smile at how fresh it looks!

What do you think?